In Order to learn Hebrew you must know the basic every day words.
a list of local business types that are available in your neighborhood.
It will sure help you understand the locals much faster and will help build you confident in the language.
עברית | English |
מִכְבָּסָה | Laundromat |
בֵּית מָלוֹן | Hotel |
מִסִּפְרָהּ | Hair Salon |
חֲדַר כֹּשֶׁר | Gym |
מַאֲפִיָּה | Bakery |
סוּפֶּרְמַרְקֶט | Supermarket |
חֲנוּת מַכֹּלֶת | grocery store |
חֲנוּת בְּגָדִים | Clothing store |